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The following Terms and Conditions apply to all participants and guests in relation to all of their dealings with Visionary Sports Academy.


Please ensure you read the following Terms and Conditions thoroughly. The term ‘you’ refers to players/parents/guardians/guests and “you” may be singular or plural. 


We will hold your data and personal information in accordance with the terms of the Visionary Sports Academy Privacy Policy and in a secure system. We will retain your details given to us electronically and on paper and we will use your data for registration purposes and to send you emails with news of deals and promotions and updates occasionally. We will only share your data with a third party where/if you have given permission.


All players must register on arrival to training with the member of staff. They will be marked against the register. Players under 12 years of age must be collected from the pitch side on completion of the session. If you make alternative arrangements with your child Visionary Sports Academy will not be held liable.

Photographs or video recordings must not be taken at Visionary Sports Academy training sessions, games or events unless authorised by Visionary Sports Academy directly and in accordance with our Child Protection Policy. If authorised, photographs and video recordings may be used for marketing purposes.


By joining in Visionary Sport Academy’s activities you are confirming to us that you are in good physical condition and that you know of no medical or other reason why you are not capable of engaging in active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to your health, safety, comfort or physical condition.


We ask that you contact us as soon as you know your child will not be attending a session. All sessions are pre-planned with numbers of participants important in our preparation.


I am aware of and understand the potential risks associated with physical exercise and I/my child am/is voluntarily partaking in these activities in the knowledge I/ they am/are able to participate. I understand that if there is a change in my/my child’s medical condition at all, I must inform Visionary Sports Academy immediately. Without limiting the above, Visionary Sports Academy accepts no liability for loss or damage of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising caused to me/my child or suffered by me/my child whilst under the care of Visionary Sports Academy, unless such loss or liability is caused by the negligent act of Visionary Sports Academy. 

I have read, understand and accept the terms and conditions of Visionary Sports Academy and agree to abide by them. I understand that Visionary Sports Academy may from time to time make changes without prior notice. 



  • Enjoyment is the key to any successful sportsmen/sportswomen and you should never lose sight of that.

  • Understand the laws, rules and spirit of the game and any competition in which you participate.

  • Players must approach training with the same intensity as a game. Replicating the intensity allows training to be more realistic and improve long term development.

  • Players must inform the coach when they have an injury.

  • No offensive, abusive or insulting remarks shall be made toward any other player, official or parent.

  • Players must treat their playing environment, teammates, coaches and officials they play in with the utmost respect.

  • Players are expected to encourage teammates when mistakes are made, negative feedback is not acceptable.

  • Players must wear the correct kit (e.g. shin pads, mouth guards) during matches and training.

  • No jewellery is to be worn by players during matches or training

  • Players must not eat or chew during matches or training.



  • Appreciate the laws and rules of the game, never condoning incidents when these are broken.

  • Encourage your child and others. Refrain from making any negative comments. Refrain from making any tactical or technical instructions. Essentially praise is the only form of communication expected from Visionary Sports Academy’s player parents and/or guardians.

  • Place the well-being and safety of each player above all other considerations.

  • Encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.

  • Inform the coach if there has been a change in your child’s medical condition.

  • No offensive, abusive or insulting remarks shall be made toward any player, official, or parent.


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