Visionary Sports Academy offer high quality tailored packages that are designed to meet your schools (KS1-4) specific needs.
BREAKFAST/ LUNCH CLUBS - conditioned games that involve problem solving, teammwork and motor skill development.
PPA COVER/ SUPPORT - delivery of age/ ability appropriate PE lessons derived from a curriculum that is designed to develop every year group technically, physically, psychologically and socially.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS- sport specific coaching sessions tailored to meet the needs (e.g. team training) of your school.
EVENTS/ FIXTURES - organisation, administration and managment of sporting events (e.g. sports day, district sports and inter school tournaments). We also provide assistance with managing school sports fixtures.
LINKS WITH LOCAL CLUBS - provide links with local sports clubs, increasing opportunities for children to take part in sport outside of school.
SCHOOL GAMES MARK - put measures in place to apply for either the bronze, silver or gold School Games Mark. The School Games Mark is a retrospective award which validates your success over the ongoing academic year. Ofsted use the Mark award as part of their inspection framework.
STAFF TRAINING - how to plan/ deliver fun and progressive coaching sessions that will develop every individual in line with the national curriculum. The training will go over how to create an environment that ensures your higher ability children continue to develop at the same time as your lower ability groups.

"VSA provide our school with breakfast, lunch and after school clubs, as well as the delivery of PE lessons and support with sporting fixtures. VSA have had a massive impact on sport at Manorfield and continue to provide an excellent service. A skill based curriculum has been implemented, where children learn to play a number of sports and the skills associated with them. Over 50% of the children now take part in extracurricular sporting activities. This has led to the school taking part in a record number of fixtures and tournaments in an academic year. Their hard work has also led to the school being awarded the Bronze School Games Mark, which is a fantastic achievement. All in all, a very professional team offering a very professional service."
Nicola Jones
Head Teacher of Manorfield Primary and Nursery School
"Dan and his coaches have revolutionised our breakfast club and our lunch times. Children are excited to come to school and get outside to be with the coaches; to play and use the skills they've been taught. The difference seems to be in how passionate Dan and his team are and how clearly they enjoy working with the children. They have the children eating out of their hands because they clearly love what they do and their enthusiasm is infectious!
We have almost eradicated poor behaviour at lunch times with the coaches running their key stage focused activities, alongside our 'Happy Lunchtimes' strategy, which is already directly impacting on optimising learning time later in class. Worth every penny - just ask our children! Thank you Visionary Sports Academy!"
Claire Hodgson
Head Teacher of Burstow Primary School